Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carbs are good for you

Carbonara..... Sooo yummy! What else is there to say?

It was our first time making it! The sherried mushrooms were also delish! Thanks to Epicurious Academic Moore for the company!

The Epicurious Academics

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lets go Belgian!

Academic Glatt is a sucker for mussels and these were absolutely delish! Before you go "How could they afford that?!" Academic Glatt found them in the frozen food section in her local super market for only $4.99. Very very good! Check your local market to see if they have some! Add a carb (like vermacilli) and your good to go!

Mussels from Market:$4.99
Enriched Pasta: $1.29

The Epicurious Academics

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Farmers Market...

We here at Epicurious Academics are great proponents of the Farmers Market. Farmers Markets are good because they (normally) support local agriculture as well as sustainable farming. Also, lets be honest food, vegetables and fruits purchased at Farmers Markets tend to be tastier. Fresher, sweeter, more ripe and generally better quality because the growers don't have to pick the produce super early to meet with the packaging and shipping demands of the supermarkets. While we admit that sometimes shopping at the Farmers Markets can be more expensive, sometimes better quality costs a little bit more. We are still a struggling college student and college grad but we will always have a special place in our hearts for Farmers Markets!

A bread and Cheese spread.
Bread: ACME

Thanks Epicuriuos Academic friends for sharing the plunder!

Farmers Markets: Good for the Soul! Not to mention the benefits of fresh air!

Batch of partially eaten roasted green onions that were absolutely scrumptious! Really very amazing! Both Epicurious Academics Glatt and Dew are now absolutely obsessed with roasting green onions

TIP OF THE DAY: Make sure you get the large green onions, in between the sizes of leeks and scallions.

Green onions from Ferry Building Saturday Farmers Market: $1.50

The Epicurious Academics